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R:BASE 11 Help

Navigation: How To (Forms, Reports, and more) > Forms > Form Designer > Form Controls > Additional Controls > Tree View


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ð Text

Specifies the text value of the node


ð Image Index

Specifies the image, from the list of images loaded, to display to the left of the node Text


ð Component ID

Unique identifier used when passing property parameters in statements


ð Node Colors

Specifies the font and background color for the node


ð On Click EEP

Clicking on the node will run the specified EEP


To load a pre-existing EEP file, select the "..." button.


Specifies a command block to run within a procedure file


Opens the R:BASE Editor to create/edit an external EEP file

Edit Custom EEP...

Opens the R:BASE Editor to create/edit a custom EEP that is stored within the form


ð New Item

Adds the current field values as a new node


ð New Sub-Item

Adds the current field values as a new sub-item (child) node to the currently selected node


ð Delete

Deletes the currently selected node


The "Copy" and "Paste" buttons support the ability to copy/paste nodes from one form to another.



See also:


Form EEP Information

How to Define Form EEPs




The Tree View control now supports the ability to search the nodes for text. This functionality is beneficial to the users where a Tree View contains many nodes with several levels. Pressing [Ctrl] +[F] will display the following search dialog.





The PROPERTY command FINDNODE parameter has also been introduced to allow searching with the command syntax.




PROPERTY TreeViewConrol FINDNODE 'Analysis'