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ð Caption

Default Image Alignment

Specifies the default value for the image alignment

Default Node Height, Width

Specifies the default height and width for tree nodes

Image Height, Width

Specifies the height and width for images

Indent X, Y

Specifies the width of the blank space separating nodes horizontally, and vertically. Use the indent values to determine by what amount child nodes are separated from their parents.


ð Edit Mode


Text is left-justified in the client area of a node.


Text is centered within a node.


Text is right-justified in the client area of a node.

Vertical Center

Text is vertically centered within a node. This mode works successfully with single lines only.


Text automatically wraps. When necessary, if this property is set to False, the width of a node increases to the text size.


During editing, letters are converted into upper case.


During editing, letters are converted into lower case.


If necessary, the height of nodes grow to the size of appropriate text.


ð Behavior


Specifies if the focused node's background is filled with the highlight color


Specifies if the currently focused item is emphasized with a focus rectangle


Specifies if nodes with children display expand/collapse buttons ([+] and [-]). In Zoom mode, only [+] buttons are displayed.

Double Click

Specifies if a mouse double click opens and closes the selected node


Specifies if text editing in nodes is allowed

Can Drag

Specifies if a node can be dragged to another node

Show Drag

Specifies to display the location of a node and its connection with the potential parent during node drag operations


Specifies if nodes can be inserted or deleted using the [Insert], [Ctrl+Insert], and [Delete] keys

Rectangle 3D

Specifies if rectangle nodes (Shape = Rectangle) are displayed with the three-dimensional effect


Specifies if nodes are expanded/collapsed with animation

Image Filtering

Specifies if filtering is applied to images shown within zoomed chart elements. Set this flag to improve the quality of these images.


ð Other Options


Specifies whether chart elements use smoothing when painted


Specifies the control's accessibility to end users


Rotates the tree structure layout. Use this property to flip the component's display 90 degrees. If the property is set to True, nodes of the same level are positioned vertically and parents are on the left in relation to child nodes. Set Rotated to False to return the component to its normal state with a horizontal layout of child nodes.

Show Hint

Displays the defined hint

Tab Stop

Determines whether or not the control is part of tab order and user is able to land on this field


Specifies if the control is visible


Specifies the component's zooming mode. Use Zoom to display the entire tree structure within the component window at runtime. When checked, the component diminishes to the window size (when necessary) and never displays scroll bars. In this mode, a user cannot edit a node's text.

