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Owner Identifier

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The first level of security is the owner identifier. Assigning an owner identifier keeps unauthorized users from connecting to the database. To use the R:BASE SQL Grant/Revoke control system of access rights, you must first assign an owner identifier to the database. The owner identifier for a database is a single password value.


Once you assign an owner identifier, you must enter that password to connect to the database. R:BASE automatically prompts for the password. The only other instance R:BASE will actually prompts for a password is when connecting a database and the current user (the value of the keyword USER) does not have access to any tables. If any permission is granted to PUBLIC, R:BASE no longer prompts automatically.


The owner password is stored in file 1 of the database files as an encrypted string. If you forget the owner password you cannot find it yourself. R:BASE Technologies has an internal utility that examines file 1 of a database and retrieves the owner password for the registered owner of the database. Keep your owner password secure.


An owner identifier can be created when a database is first created.





If an owner identifier was not specified at this time, the default value is set to NONE, which allows unrestricted access to the database.


To assign an owner identifier to a database, select "Utilities" > "User Privileges" from the main menu bar. Within this window, select the "Change Owner" button.






The owner identifier can also be changed, or initially assigned by using the RENAME command at the R> Prompt.


RENAME OWNER <oldownername> TO <newownername>

RENAME OWNER NONE TO <newownername>



With the owner identifier established, the value will be set as the current user for the R:BASE session. The owner name can be verified by entering SHOW USER at the R> Prompt.


After assigning the owner, R:BASE will prompt for the password the next time an R:BASE session connects to the database, or if the R:BASE USER account changes for the current session.


The owner can be specified at the R> Prompt using the SET USER or CONNECT commands:


SET USER ownername


CONNECT dbspec IDENTIFIED BY ownername


Only the owner of the database can use commands or menu options that modify database structure. Only the owner can assign access rights to other users. The owner of a database has all rights to all tables.


As the owner of the database, you decide the access rights you want to give to other users of the database. The SQL Grant/Revoke access rights are assigned by selecting "Utilities" > "User Privileges" from the main menu bar, or by using the GRANT and REVOKE commands at the R> Prompt.