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R:BASE 11 Help

Navigation: How To (Forms, Reports, and more) > Forms > Form Designer > Form Controls > Legacy Controls > DB Grid > Columns


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ð Title Properties


Value which the title will display when form is run

Caption Alignment

Specifies the justification of the Title Caption within the grid. The options are:

Left - Text is left justified

Center - Text is center justified

Right - Text is right justified

Background Color and Font

Specifies the background color of the title


Specifies the font style, size and color for the title


ð Column Properties


Width, in pixels, of the column field


Specifies the justification of the column within the grid. The options are:

Left - Text is left justified

Center - Text is center justified

Right - Text is right justified

Background Color and Font

Specifies the background color of the column


Specifies the font style, size and color for the column


ð Read Only

Disables user from editing data in field


ð Title Clickable

Specifies whether the DB Grid column is clickable to allow the column values to be sorted in ascending or descending order



Note: If the default width value (64) is selected, at runtime, the columns are auto re-sized and the right most column in the grid will expand its width to fill any empty space in the grid.
