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Report Actions

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Report Actions allow the ability to execute code at several levels in a report's stage of use including: preview, generation and design. The levels include:


Before Preview - executes code before a report is previewed

After Preview - executes code after a report is previewed

Before Generate - executes code before a report is generated

After Generate - executes code after a report is generated

On Before Design - executes code before the designer is launched

On After Design - executes code after the designer is closed


Report Actions can be defined by selecting "Report" > "Actions" from the Report Designer menu bar.


A Report Action is geared to be used for initializing variables and creating temporary or permanent tables and views. The logic is because Report Actions are only intended to be executed once when the report is generated in the R:BASE report



Separate from Report Actions is Report Band EEPs, where custom code can be executed before or after a report band, (e. g. Page Header (PH), Report Footer (RF), etc.), is generated.


Also, when you decide to document your database and application code, remember to document your Actions and Custom EEPs from within the Report Designer.