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RETURN (Short Name: RET)

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Use the RETURN command in a program to return control to a program or to the R> Prompt.







Used ONLY within a stored procedure to return a value. The returned value will be stored in the STP_RETURN system variable. This option will return an error when used outside of a stored procedure. The default is text 8 characters, but if you want more, set it to a larger value.


PUT Command Example (sets the limit for the return value at 30 characters):


PUT test.prc AS TEXT test p1 integer RETURN TEXT (30)


About the RETURN Command


When you use RETURN to return to a command file or a block in a procedure file, the next command executed is the command following RUN in the command file or procedure file.


If you used the RUN commands to run a command file or a block in a procedure file from the R> Prompt, control returns to the R> Prompt when RETURN is executed.




Assume you have two command files named CMDFIL1.RMD and CMDFIL2.RMD with the commands shown below.


PAUSE 2 USING 'This command file (cmdfil1.rmd) calls cmdfil2.rmd.'

RUN cmdfil2.rmd


PAUSE 2 USING 'Cmdfil1.rmd is in control.'




DIALOG 'Press Q to quit:' vend vkey 1

IF vend = 'Q' THEN



  GOTO top



When you run CMDFIL1.RMD by entering RUN CMDFIL1.RMD, the following messages appear on the screen:


This command file (cmdfil1.rmd) calls cmdfil2.rmd.


Press Q to quit:


If you press [Q] at the DIALOG command prompt, control returns to CMDFIL1.RMD. The following message appears on screen, processing stops, and you are returned to the R> Prompt:


Cmdfil1.rmd is in control.