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R:BASE 11 Help

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Included with R:BASE 2000 (version 6.5++) is the external file RHelp.EXE. This file can be called using the ZIP command and will display the contents of the file specified. Users will not be able to edit the file displayed. This window can be Minimized, Normalized and Maximized with an option to Close [x]. The RHelp.EXE is no longer provided with R:BASE.







Displays the contents of the file on the screen. This may be either a plain text file or a Rich Text Format (RTF) file. If the file name includes spaces you must enclose the filespec in either single or double quotes.




The following command starts RHelp and displays the file named RichFile.RTF for viewing.




The following example displays the Long File Named file "This is a Test.RTF" from a network share "Users" on the server "InHouse".


ZIP RHELP "\\InHouse\Users\This Is a Test.RTF"