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The RPHONE command uses the Windows Phone Dialer to dial a call. You must have a modem installed in your computer.







Optionally pass in the name of the party you are calling to the Windows Dialer call log.



Optionally pass a comment about the phone call into the Windows Dialer call log.


About the RPHONE Command


RPHONE command uses the Windows Phone Dialer to dial a call. You must have a modem installed in your computer.


RPHONE command requires the number that you want to call. You may optionally pass in the name of the party you are calling and a comment about the call. This information will be placed in the Windows Dialer call log if the call is successful.


The RPHONE command is also supported in EEPs.




Example 01:


RPHONE '(800) 555-2368'


Example 02:


RPHONE '(800) 555-2368' 'Ghostbusters' 'Call Now'


Example 03:


SELECT CustPhone, Company INTO +

vCustPhone INDIC IvCustPhone, +

vCompany INDIC IvCompany +

FROM Customer WHERE CustID = .vCustID

RPHONE .vCustPhone .vCompany 'Follow-Up'