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R:BASE 11 Help

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Operating Condition




Default: OFF


Mode: Transaction Processing


SET AUTOCOMMIT toggles AUTOCOMMIT processing on and off. When transaction processing and AUTOCOMMIT are on, each command that is executed successfully is immediately made permanent and visible to network users. If transaction processing is on and AUTOCOMMIT is off, you must enter a COMMIT command to make changes permanent. Also, leaving the database causes R:BASE to issue the COMMIT command.


When transaction processing is on and AUTOCOMMIT is off, you can enter a series of commands (a transaction) that change data or the database structure, then enter either a COMMIT or ROLLBACK command. COMMIT makes permanent all changes executed by commands in the transaction. ROLLBACK deletes all the changes, restoring the database to its state before the transaction began.


If you have started a transaction when you set AUTOCOMMIT on, R:BASE commits the transaction and turns AUTOCOMMIT on. You cannot open a cursor while AUTOCOMMIT is set on, and you cannot set AUTOCOMMIT on while a cursor is open.


AUTOCOMMIT and MDI cannot be set to on at the same time. If MDI forms and browse screens are to be used, then autocommit mode cannot be running. If autocommit mode is required, then forms and browse screens cannot be modeless.


AUTOCOMMIT can affect system performance. You can increase performance by setting AUTOCOMMIT to on when you do not need to enter commands in groups.