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R:BASE 11 Help

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Operating Condition




Default: Reverse Quote (`) Prior Versions: NULL


Controls the character that is used to set off object names.


IDQUOTES sets the character for enclosing object names, such as column or table names, in R:BASE and ODBC commands. The IDQUOTES setting especially critical when using ODBC to connect to a non-R:BASE database which allows characters such as spaces in column or table names. The IDQUOTES setting also important in some internal R:BASE processing.


Note: Older databases may default to NULL which is not ODBC or SQL compliant.


In general, setting IDQUOTES will have no effect on legacy applications as they will not, in most cases, know that this exists. The one exception to this is unloading data from a database that has IDQUOTES set, such as an current upgraded R:BASE database, and importing into a legacy database. If you are attempting to do this you should set your IDQUOTES to NULL.


The reverse quote is located under the tilde (~) character and to the left of the numeral 1, on most standard US Keyboards.