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R:BASE 11 Help


MANY - specifies the character used to specify a pattern for more than one character. The default is the percent (%).

QUOTES - specifies the character used when specifying character strings. The default is an apostrophe(').

PLUS - specifies the character used to indicate that a line wraps in code. The default is the plus (+).

BLANK - specifies the character used to indicate a space. The default is a space.

NULL - specifies up to four characters to indicate a null value. The default is a hyphen, zero, and hyphen (-0-).

SINGLE - specifies the character used to specify a pattern for one character. The default is an underscore (_).

SEMI - specifies the character used to separate commands. The default is the semi-colon (;).

DELIMIT - specifies the character used to separate characters or strings. The default is the comma (,).

LINEEND - specifies the character used to indicate the end of a line for display of fields with NOTE or TEXT data types, or in the Data Browser. The default character for R:BASE database that migrated over the years from DOS versions is รพ, the ASCII value 0254. The default character for R:BASE for Windows is the carat (^).

IDQUOTES - specifies the character used for enclosing object names, such as column or table names. The default is the reverse quote (`).



Defaults - will load the default configuration settings for the R:BASE environment

Make a Backup - will create a backup configuration file in the same directory. The backup configuration file will use the .~CFG file extension.
