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Operating Condition




Default: COLUMN


Mode: Multi-user


SET VERIFY, used in the multi-user environment, specifies the level of concurrency control as a row or a column within a row.


SET VERIFY allows you to specify whether R:BASE concurrency control will apply to individual columns within a row or to all columns in the row. When the level of concurrency control is set to COLUMN, R:BASE checks only the columns you change while you are editing. When the level of concurrency control is set to ROW, if you change data in any column, R:BASE checks every column in the row.


R:BASE concurrency control operates automatically when you are using a form in multi-user environments. Concurrency control includes autorefresh and verification. When you refresh or try to save a row, R:BASE checks whether data has been changed by another user and alerts you if it has changed. This prevents simultaneous changes that could corrupt the integrity of your data. The SET VERIFY command affects the operation of both autorefresh and verification when you are using a form.


When concurrency control is set to COLUMN, R:BASE looks for conflicts, those instances when two users have both modified the same column. When R:BASE detects a conflict in at least one field:


R:BASE displays all of the other user's changes in the appropriate fields.

Where there is no conflict, changes you made continue to be displayed.

R:BASE displays a message informing you that data has changed.


When concurrency control is set to ROW, R:BASE looks for a change to any column in the whole row, whether it is a conflict or not. When R:BASE detects a change:


R:BASE displays all of the other user's changes in the appropriate fields.

Where there is no conflict, changes you made to the data are discarded.

R:BASE displays a message informing you that data has changed.


Whether concurrency control is set to COLUMN or ROW, you can review the changes and then continue editing the data in the form. After autorefresh, R:BASE prompts you to press any key to continue editing. After verification, you can either move on to your next task or edit the data again. If you choose to move on when the level of concurrency control is set to COLUMN, you will be discarding any changes you made that are still displayed. R:BASE prompts you to press [Esc] if you want to move on, or to press [Enter] if you want to edit the displayed data.


When you edit data in a form, concurrency control is always enforced.


When you enter data in a form, concurrency control is enforced only when you are entering values in fields defined with a same-table look-up, or when you return to a row in a region that you had entered previously.


The first command line in the following example sets the level of concurrency control to check for changes in the entire row. The second command line starts an editing session using the form named custform.



EDIT USING custform