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R:BASE for Windows supports several startup parameters that users can embed in the desktop shortcut properties, or use as command line switches, to launch a custom R:BASE application, or to launch R:BASE in a different folder. When multiple parameters are specified, each must be separated with a space.





This option tells R:BASE to look in the specified "Target" folder first for the R:BASE engine and configuration files. This option is beneficial if you are making only one installation of R:BASE on a network server and want local workstations to be able to launch the R:BASE program without the need to install it on the local workstation. Add the "-A" parameter after the executable at the end of the "Target:" field value. The executable and "-A" parameter should be separated with a space.





Initiates optimized Database Explorer settings for use in active server environments. The settings allow for faster use of R:BASE for Database Administrators who do not have the capabilities to copy an entire database locally just to perform a quick and important change. The values are set on load. This means that when R:BASE is closed the current "minimal" settings will be saved. The following setting changes are performed during load:


use of the "View As List" display will omit displaying column details for objects

UINOTIF setting is turned OFF, where the Database Explorer will not refresh for object changes

the Show Slave Table setting is disabled within the Database Explorer

the Show View Tables setting is disabled within the Database Explorer

the Indicator For Compressed Forms/Reports/Labels is disabled within the Database Explorer

the Show Row Numbers is disabled within the Database Explorer

the custom Explorer Appearance settings are disabled within the Database Explorer

the product splash screen is not displayed


"-BLOB <filename>"

This option opens the specified file (rich text, image, etc.) in the R:BASE BLOB Editor as the initial screen, when the program is launched. Note that there is a single space between the –BLOB and the file name parameter, and that the –BLOB <filename> must be enveloped in double-quotes. Example: C:\RBTI\RBG11\RBG11.EXE "-BLOB C:\RBTI\RBG11\License.rtf"


-C or -P

This option opens the R> Prompt window when the program is launched.



This option opens the R:BASE Editor when the program is launched.


"-E <filename>"

This option opens the specified file in the appropriate file editor when the program is launched. An RFF file is opened in the External Form Designer, an RBA file in the Application Designer, and the rest in the internal R:BASE Editor. Note that there is a single space between the –E and the file name parameter, and that the –E <filename> must be enveloped in double-quotes. Example: C:\RBTI\RBG11\RBG11.EXE "-E C:\RBTI\RBG11\ReadMe.txt"



This option forces the display of splash screen, even if it is set to not be shown in the Startup Options, or if "-S" is used.



This option opens the Database Explorer when the program is launched.


"-O filespec"

Specifies an alternate R:BASE configuration file to use for startup information. Note that there is a single space between the –O and the file name parameter, and that the –O <filespec> should be enveloped in double-quotes. Example: C:\RBTI\RBG11\RBG11.EXE "-O C:\Users\William\Documents\RBENGINE11.CFG"



This option specifies a startup file opens your custom application directly. It can be a command file (.DAT, .RMD, .CMD) or an R:BASE application file (.RBA).



This option opens R:BASE in silent mode, where the splash screen is hidden even if it is set to be shown in the Startup Options.


"-T xxx"

This option adds an additional text label to an R:BASE instance, where xxx is a custom text (e.g. Development) or "RandomID", to better identify the running instance in the Task Manager. This is useful when running multiple instances of R:BASE. A recommended parameter is "-T RandomID" to use the current operating system TickCount value, which returns the number of milliseconds elapsed since the system started.   Example: C:\RBTI\RBG11\RBG11.EXE "-T RandomID"



This option does not load the Database Explorer, R> Prompt, or R:BASE Editor, even if the modules are set to be shown in the Startup Options. This parameter has a lower priority than –C, -P, -L, and -E. For example, the editor will be shown if both –X and –E is used. This option is useful when R:BASE is used as a file editor, as the program can be loaded with only the R:BASE Editor displayed at startup.



This option specifies R:BASE will open as only as R:Backup. When this switch is present, other switches meant for R:BASE are ignored. R:Backup specific parameters include the following:



           Runs R:Backup in silent mode



           Runs an R:Backup project



 Specifies the R:Backup file (.rtb) to be loaded or executed


Start in:


By editing the "Start in:" field, you can alter what folder location R:BASE will launch in. You can specify a local folder, a mapped network drive, or a UNC path.


Launching Applications


To launch a custom application on a network folder, edit the "Start in:" field to the database and custom application folder. Then, specify your R:BASE application file or startup file in the "Target:" after the R:BASE executable. Separate the executable and startup file with a space.




The order in which the parameters are listed in the Target field is the order in which the modules will open and appear in the R:BASE program, with the last parameter displayed. For example, using the following Target: C:\RBTI\RBG11\RBG11.EXE -E -L -C , R:BASE will open with the modules in the order of R:BASE Editor, Database Explorer, and R> Prompt, with the R> Prompt window displayed.


When multiple parameters are specified, each must be separated with a space.




Example 01:

Launches R:BASE in the RRBYW20 sample database folder, opening the R:BASE Editor, R> Prompt, and Database Explorer modules while displaying the Database Explorer.


 Target: C:\RBTI\RBG11\RBG11.EXE -E -C -L

 Start in: C:\RBTI\RBG11\Samples\RRBYW20


Example 02:

Launches R:BASE in the program folder, opening the Database Explorer and R:BASE Editor modules, while displaying R:BASE ReadMe.txt text file.


 Target: C:\RBTI\RBG11\RBG11.EXE -L "-E C:\RBTI\RBG11\ReadMe.txt"

 Start in: C:\RBTI\RBG11


Example 03:

Launches R:BASE in the program folder, opening the Database Explorer and R> Prompt modules, while initially displaying R:BASE License.rtf in the BLOB Editor.


 Target: C:\RBTI\RBG11\RBG11.EXE -L -C "-BLOB C:\RBTI\RBG11\License.rtf"

 Start in: C:\RBTI\RBG11


Example 04:

Launches locally installed R:BASE in a shared network folder, and launches the CRM.DAT startup file.  



 Start in: R:\RBFILES\CRM


Example 05:

Launches a network installation of R:BASE in a shared network folder with the -A parameter, and launches the SPECS.DAT startup file.





Example 06:

Launches a network installation of R:BASE in a shared network folder with the -A parameter, uses a custom configuration file for the user, and launches the EST.DAT startup file.



 Start in: R:\RBFILES\EST


Example 07:

Launches R:BASE in a development folder on the D:\ drive, with a custom configuration file, and uses a random ID to identify several R:BASE instances within the Windows Task Manager.


 Target: C:\RBTI\RBG11\RBG11.EXE "-O C:\Users\Glen\Documents\RBENGINE11.CFG" "-T RandomID"

 Start in: D:\RBASEDEV


Example 08:

Launches R:BASE 11 in a database folder on the R:\ drive, and uses text to identify the R:BASE instance within the Windows Task Manager, as per the command file routine. The text "Logistics" will appear next to "R:BASE 11" under the "Applications" tab.


 Target: C:\RBTI\RBG11\RBG11.EXE Logistics.rmd "-TLogistics"

 Start in: R:\DBFILES