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The Trace Debugger allows developers to debug applications and commands files to find programming errors and problems. The debugger has been updated with the following new features:


Trace Prompt toolbar into which any R:BASE command may be manually entered and executed





Added right click menu option for when running a command file/EEP in the debugger, to insert a highlighted command into the R> Prompt Command History





Added right click menu option for when running a command file/EEP in the debugger, to insert a highlighted command into the R> Prompt Favorites





New "Add Variable Value to Command History" menu option within the Watch Variable panel of the debugger to add dynamically constructed and complex ampersand-variable commands to the R> Prompt Command History. The functionality makes the complex command more accessible for re-execution (possibly with manual modifications)





Added right click menu option to copy highlighted text while debugging code





Trace Debugger features added within R:BASE X.5 (Version 10.5):


Added ability to display the Configuration Settings when tracing a program, to review and alter the current settings

Added "Go to Line Number" functionality to the menu bar, and [F4] hot key, to easily place breakpoints

Added friendly naming conventions for tab to identify the module and/or source from where the code is located. Tracing form controls will display ComponentID and Caption/Text (if exist) and the EEP name. Form code will display the form name with EEP or custom form action name. Tracing reports and labels will display the name and the action. The new friendly naming convention for the Trace Debugger tabs are:

Added panel within the Watch Variables toolbar to quickly view the value of a selected variable with many characters

Added "Jump to Line" functionality, where when single-stepping through code, a users may jump to a specific line in the debugger. This ability allows users to start debugging at a specific point, skip over commands, repeat commands, etc. The [F11] hot key also opens the "Jump to Line" dialog.

New Live Variables toolbar which automatically populates with defined variables



Trace Debugger features added within R:BASE X (Version 10):


Added Watch Variable Breaks, allowing the trace debugger to halt/break when:

othe variable is created

othe variable is deleted

othe variable has a null value

othe variable value changes

othe variable value equals a specific value

Enhanced Trace window to scroll up and down using the mouse wheel when error breaks occur

Added popup menu to right click and add watch variables and toggle breakpoints



Trace Debugger features added within versions eXtreme 9.0, 9.1, and 9.5:


New option to clear the Error List Toolbar

New option to save the Error List to a file

Bold text is displayed within the "tab" for the file that is currently being debugged

Dockable/Floating toolbars for custom display

Enhanced Error List Toolbar to support jumping directly to the line where an error occurs

Increased size for the "Modify Watch Variable" dialog field to display long variables

Added alphabetical sorting of the Watch Variable list, to easily find a specific variable

Added "Clear Error List" and "Save Error List" buttons to the Trace Toolbar



Trace Debugger features added within versions 7.x, Turbo V-8:


Multiple File Tabbed Trace Interface

Call Tree for Viewing Files Currently Being Traced

Unlimited Watch Variables

Multi-Pane Debugger Window Displays Command File(s) Being Traced, Selected Watch Variables, Defined Breakpoints, and Errors Encountered

Quick Select for Watch Variables in Trace Debugger