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R:BASE 11 Beginners Tutorial

Navigation: Lesson 5 - Report Output

Building the Scheduled Flights Report

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The scheduled flights report begins as a Custom report. R:BASE opens the Report Designer with the five basic report sections, and then we place the text and column objects in the Report Designer workspace. As you are working on the Scheduled Flights report, use the sketch as a guide.


To start building the Scheduled Flights report:


1.If the SkyWrite database is not open, click the Databases tab in the Database Explorer and select "SkyWrite".
2.Click the Connect option.
3.In the Database Explorer, click the Reports option.
4.Click the "New Report" option.


R:BASE displays the "New Report" dialog box.


5.Enter "FlightList" in "Report Name".


Next, you must select the driving table or view on which the report will be based. Remember, this is the table or view that contains the rows and columns from which most data is gathered.


6.Select "FlightView".
7.Enter "List of scheduled flights by date" in "Report Comment".
8.Leave the Report Wizard check box empty.
9.Click the OK button.


R:BASE opens the "Report Designer" window and displays a blank report.