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R:BASE 11 Beginners Tutorial

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Lesson 2 - Defining a Database

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In this lesson, you will define the SkyWrite database and its three tables--Employee, Customer, and Flights-which you designed in Lesson One.


At the end of this lesson you will be able to:


Start the Data Designer

Define a database

Define tables and include table descriptions

Designate auto-numbered columns

Define columns and include column descriptions

Choose a data type for a column

View database information

Defining primary and foreign keys

Designate indexed columns

Add a computed column to an existing table

Define rules

List rules

Modify rule messages

Test the changes you made to the database


Now that you understand what information Amelia and Charlie need to track for SkyWrite Ink and have designed a database for that information, you are ready to create the database. We'll use the R:BASE Data Designer to define the database. You can define new tables or modify existing tables by adding deleting, and modifying column definitions.