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R:BASE 11 Beginners Tutorial

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Lesson 3 - Viewing Data

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Once tables are constructed and contain data, you can return to them to look at the data, change the way the data is displayed, modify the data, and query the data. A query is a question you construct to get information from your database tables and columns. This lesson teaches you how to look at your data and how to build a query.


At the end of this lesson you will be able to:


Hide, move, and lock columns

Change the display size of a column

Add and delete rows of data

Perform calculations on your data

Sort your data

Build single and multiple condition queries

Print the results of your query

Create a multi-table query

Save the query as a view

Select the rows R:BASE displays in the view


You have designed the SkyWrite database and created its tables and columns. Now that the database contains SkyWrite Ink's employee, customer, and flight information, you are ready to use R:BASE features to view this data. You'll be able to see important information easily and find answers quickly.


The two features of R:BASE you'll use to display data or build a query from a single table are the Data Browser and the Query Builder.


Data Browser - The data from the table is displayed in the Data Browser window. You can browse the data, change the way the data is displayed, sort the data, perform calculations, and also edit the data. To open a table in the "Data Browser" window, in the Database Explorer, click the Tables option. Then, select a table and click the "Open" option. You can also choose Tools: Browse/Edit Table to open the "Data Browser" window. Any of these options will display your data in the "Data Browser" window.


Query Builder - The Query Builder is used to ask questions of your data such as "Which flights were flown in April?" or "Which companies are located in Olympia?" You create a query by selecting the tables, columns, and conditions you want to use-setting specifications that tell R:BASE which rows of data to retrieve. To build a query in R:BASE from the Database Explorer window, click the "Views" tab within the "Group Bar" and click "New". When creating a new query, the Query Builder will always ask you if you want use the Query Wizard, which is a utility to built queries on the fly!