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R:BASE 11 Beginners Tutorial

Navigation: Lesson 5 - Report Output

Placing a DB Memo (column) Object

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Next, we'll place a DB Memo object for the Place column, which uses the NOTE data type. The DB Memo object contains different properties for the NOTE data type, one of which is the ability to stretch when large amounts of data is displayed and the object's size is not enough. As the Place column is a NOTE data type, each entry in it can be very large. The DB Memo object can be used for any data type, and would be helpful if the report space is limited and data is needed to display down instead of across.


To place DB Memo (column) object:


1.In the "Report Designer" window and with the Slogan DB Label object selected, choose the "DB Memo" button from the "Database Controls" toolbar (the second button from the left).




2.Position the cursor immediately to the right of the "Place" text object and click the left mouse button.


The DB Memo object will appear in the section with the text "DBMemo1" as well as the "Edit" toolbar will become enabled with the "Table Name:" and "Data Field:" drop down boxes.


3.From the "Edit" toolbar, select "FlightView" from the "Table Name:" drop down box, and select select "Place" from the "Data Field:" drop down box.


We will adjust the Place DB Memo object to have a longer width, and a smaller height.


4.Place your cursor on the bottom right handlebar on the DB Memo object and drag the object to appear like the design sketch.


We will set the object to wrap the text when the data is longer that the width.


5.Right click on the DB Memo object and select the "Char Wrap" option.


Your report should look like the following report:

