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R:BASE 11 Beginners Tutorial

Navigation: Lesson 4 - Data Entry Forms

Placing DB Edit (column) Objects

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Now we'll place the DB Edit object for the employee number.


To place DB Edit objects on FlightForm:


1.In the "Form Designer" window, choose the "DB Edit" button from the "Database Controls" toolbar.


The "Database Controls" toolbar specifically places objects that reference data that is stored in the table. You will notice that most buttons have a database cylinder in the image foreground. The "DB Edit" button is the second button from the top left.




2.Position the cursor immediately to the right of the "Employee #:" text object and click the left mouse button.


The "DB Edit Properties" dialog box is displayed. You will notice a panel with "Table and Field". You will use the "Data Field:" drop down box to select from a list of available columns.




3.Select EmployeeID.
4.Click the OK button.