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R:BASE 11 Beginners Tutorial

Navigation: Lesson 6 - Labels

Placing Objects on the Label

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You are now ready to place objects on the label. You can place the objects using the toolbars just as in the Report Designer.


To place the vFullName object:


1.In the "Label Designer" window, choose the "Variable Label" button from the "Variable Controls" toolbar. The button has an "A" with the text "Var" across the bottom.




1.Position the cursor in the upper left comer of the label template, and click the left mouse button.


An object appears in the Label Designer workspace and the "Edit" toolbar becomes enabled. The Edit toolbar will contain all variables that are defined.


2.Select "vFullName" in from the Edit toolbar.


While the vFullName object is the selected object, we'll make the object wider. For a label, you can make all the objects as wide as the label template.


3.Click on the handlebar in the middle of the right side of the vFullName object and drag it to the right until the right edge of the object is close to the right edge of the label template. Release the left mouse button.