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R:BASE 11 Help

Navigation: How To (Forms, Reports, and more) > Forms > Form Designer > Form Controls > Database Controls > Enhanced DB Grid


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ð >>

Adds all the available columns to the display


ð >

Adds only the selected column to the display


ð <

Removes only the selected column from the display


ð <<

Removes all columns from the display


The DB Grid column display sequence can be reordered by selecting the up and down arrow buttons


ð Column Properties

Sets the properties for the selected column




After table structural changes have occurred, or when copying/duplicating forms associated with a different table, the "Replace Column" option is available, where the substitute column retains all column-level custom settings.


When reviewing the grid columns after table structure changes have occurred, or when copying/duplicating existing grid control forms associated with a different table, an indicator (*) will be assigned next to invalid fields.


When several columns are selected, the properties for all highlighted column can be altered. The Column Properties dialog includes check boxes for the sections and fields. Add a check to the field/group to edit the properties. The properties for checked items are applied. The properties for unchecked items are untouched.


