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R:BASE 11 Help

Navigation: How To (Forms, Reports, and more) > Forms > Form Designer > Form Controls > Database Controls > DB Tree Grid


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ð Available Fields

Displays the available column fields


ð >>

Adds all the available columns to the display


ð >

Adds only the selected column to the display


ð <

Removes only the selected column from the display


ð <<

Removes all columns from the display


ð Edit Column Definition EditCol

Sets the properties for the selected column




The DB Tree Grid column display sequence can be reordered by selecting the "Move Up" and "Move Down" buttons.


Right click within the fields to use the pop-up menu.





ð Summary Groups

The DB Tree Grid allows users to calculate individual summary groups according to the current group column. Summary Groups are calculated when data is grouped by column(s). A summary group links a proposed group column(s) with the group summaries to calculate. They are calculated for each data group created and displayed either within a group row or within the group's footer. Only records contained within a group are used to evaluate these summary values.



Adds a new summary group


Edits the currently selected summary group


Deletes the selected summary group




ð Summary Group

Linked Field

Specifies the field to which the current summary collection belongs

Begin Text

Identifies the prefix to add to the summary text in the group panel

End Text

Identifies the suffix to add to the summary text in the group panel.


Specifies the string which separates individual group summaries in the group panel.


If group summaries are displayed in the group panel, they are enclosed with strings specified by the Begin Text and End Text properties. Individual group summaries within the panel are separated by a Separator.




ð Items



Adds a new summary group item


Edits the currently selected summary group item


Deletes the selected summary group item



ð Summary Group Item


Represents a grouping item in the summary group

Display in Column

Specifies the column in which the summary will be displayed


Specifies the type of the summary to calculate


Specifies the format string to display a summary value


Specifies the panel where a summary is displayed.