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Navigation: How To (Forms, Reports, and more) > Forms > Form Designer > Form Controls > Database Controls > DB Tree Grid > Columns


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ð General

Field Name

Displays the field name being modified or under review


Specifies the display caption for the grid column


Specifies the grid column width in pixels

Minimum Width

Specifies the minimum allowed grid column width in pixels

Sort Order

Specifies the field sort order; ascending, descending, or none

Date/Time Grouping

Specifies the grouping method for date/time fields

Group Index

Specifies if the field is used as a Group. A value of "-1" sets the field as not grouped. Valid group values start from zero. 0 means first field to be grouped, then 1 is subgroup of 0, etc. Once a Group Index is specified, the column will appear in the "Group By" box. To allow users to create their own groups, enable the Show Group By Box setting, where users can then drag the grid column header to the Group Box. Individual columns can also be set to allow/not allow grouping.


Specifies if the column is visible


ð Header


Specifies the hint which appears over the column header

Horizontal Alignment

Specifies the horizontal justification of the text within the column header

Vertical Alignment

Specifies the vertical justification of the text within the column header


Specifies a glyph image to display for the header, which can be loaded, deleted, and previewed

Glyph Horiz Alignment

Specifies the horizontal justification of the glyph within the column header

Glyph Vert Alignment

Specifies the vertical justification of the glyph within the column header


ð Summary

Group Kind/Format

Specifies the kind of aggregate function used for the column in the group node (sum, min, max, count, average), and the format for the column in the group node

Group Footer Kind/Format

Specifies the kind of aggregate function used for the column in the group footer (sum, min, max, count, average), and the format for the column in the group footer

Footer Kind/Format

Specifies the kind of aggregate function used for the column in the grid footer (sum, min, max, count, average) and the format for the column in the grid footer

Show Column Name on Group Header

Specifies to display the column name on the group header

