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Custom Totals

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ð Custom Totals


Adds a new custom total item


Edits the currently selected custom total item


Deletes the selected custom total item


The display sequence can be reordered by selecting the green up and down arrow buttons.





Summary Type

Specifies the type of the summary function which is calculated against the field values used to sort the corresponding column field or row field

Count - counts values

Sum - provides a total of numeric values

Minimum - provides the lowest value

Maximum - provides the highest value

Average - provides an average of numeric values

Standard Deviation - provides the sample standard deviation of numeric values

Population Standard Deviation - provides the population standard deviation of numeric values

Variance - provides the sample variance of numeric values

Population Variance - provides the population variance of numeric values

Custom Description

Specifies the custom group summary captions for the custom total, which supports the insertion of the percent character as the placeholder for the field's value
