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Fields can be combined into groups (also called field groups). Visually field headers within a group are linked with each other. Fields within a group are treated as a whole and are always moved together and are displayed within the same area and in the same order. End-users cannot separate these fields by dragging one of them to a different area or hiding it to the Customization Form. A field can belong to a single group (if any) at a time.


ð Groups


Adds a new group item


Edits the currently selected group item


Deletes the selected group item


The list of group items are provided in a grid for review.


Caption - displays the group caption

Area - displays the group area location

Area Index - displays the group area index

Fields - displays the fields which are members of the group

Visible - displays if the group is visible


The display sequence can be reordered by selecting the green up and down arrow buttons.





Specifies the display caption for the group


Specifies the area in which the group is displayed

Column - the group is located in the column header area

Row - the group is located in the row header area

Filter - the group is located in the filter header area

Data - the group is located in the data header area

Area Index

Specifies the position of the group amongst the other groups within the same area


Specifies if the group is visible


Specifies the fields assigned to the group



Adds all the available fields to the group


Adds only the selected field to the group


Removes only the selected field from the display


Removes all fields from the group

