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DB Calc

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The DB Calc control executes aggregate functions against table data and places the result in a text object which is used as a label.


Context Menu (right click) Options


Align - Displays the Alignment dialog for adjusting the horizontal and vertical alignment of the selected objects

Size - Displays the Size dialog for adjusting the height and width of the selected objects

Font - Displays the Font dialog for the font style, size and color of the object

Left Justify - Text is left justified

Center - Text is center justified

Right Justify - Text is right justified

Component ID - Unique identifier used when passing PROPERTY/GETPROPERTY parameters in statements calling the report

Bring To Front - Places the currently selected object on the foreground of layered objects

Bring Forward - Moves the currently selected object forward one layer at a time

Send To Back - Places the currently selected object in the background of layered objects

Send Backward - Moves the currently selected object backward one layer at a time

Add to Scrapbook - Places the currently selected object in the Report Scrapbook

Angle - Opens the Angle dialog window to specify the rotation angle for the label

Auto Size - Object will shrink or stretch automatically based on value displayed

Blank When Zero - Object will display nothing if the value is zero

Calculations - Opens the Calculations dialog window for specifying an aggregate function and the Break Name from the list of defined Breaks. For more on DB Calc.

Character Case - Object will display the Character Case text as Normal, Lower Case, Upper Case, Word Case, Sentence Case, or Title Case. Changes apply to the appearance of the displayed text and not the actual contents.

Lock Control - Locks the selected control(s) to prevent any accidental changes

Lock Size - Locks the selected control(s) to specifically prevent accidental size changes

COUNT As TALLY - Object will perform a tally to count the occurrences of identical values in a column. When the "Calculation" is set to "Count" the "COUNT As TALLY" setting enables a tabular output tally of all values.

Display Format - Opens the Format dialog window for specifying a Field Mask for the data. For details on Format options, please see Understanding Display Formats.

Use Border - Object will be encompassed in a rectangle border. The border will lay upon the actual field lines.

Look Ahead - Look Ahead is designed to allow you to display summary calculations in the title band, page footer calculations in the page header band, group footer calculations in the group header band and column footer calculations in the column header. When the Look Ahead property is checked, the draw command which represents the component on the rendered page will continue to update with the most recent calculation value until the report completes the generation of the associated page, group or column. Note: The Report Pass Setting property must be set to Two Pass in order for Look Ahead calculations to function reliably.

NULL Format - Specifies the display format for a NULL value

Position - Opens the Position dialog window for specifying hard-coded coordinates

Reprint On Overflow - Reprint On Overflow applies to situations where a stretchable component is stretching across pages. If the text overflows onto a new page, any components that are on the same band will reprint on the new page (if Reprint On Overflow is checked).

Reprint On Subsequent - The Reprint On Subsequent property is used in conjunction with the Suppress Repeated Values property. When Suppress Repeated Values is checked, and detail lines have overflowed onto a new page, you can force the Data Field to reprint on the first detail line of the new page by setting Reprint On Subsequent to True.

Reset Break - Opens the Reset Break dialog window for specifying the Break Name from the list of defined Breaks. The Reset Break property is used to specify a control group for a report calculation. Each time the data value of the field specified by the Break's Name property changes, the calculated value of the DB Calc control is reset to zero, and the calculation begins again. When the Reset Break property is null, it can be set by dragging the report control into a Break Header or a Break Footer band. This property can also be set by accessing the calculations dialog from the speed menu for the report control.

Rotate From Center - Specifies the text to be aligned within the object boundaries

Shift With Parent - Shift With Parent applies to situations where a stretchable component is stretching. If Shift With Parent is checked, the report component will move based on the amount of stretching the object requires. When you want components to appear at the bottom of an object, this is a useful feature. If the object stretches to a new page, the components will print on the next page.

Suppress Repeated Values - When the value of a DB Calc is the same across several records, the Suppress Repeated Values property allows you to print the value only once each time the field value changes. This can be useful in reports where a highly redundant field has been included in the detail band (for example, the City field in a report containing addresses.) If the detail band overflows onto a new page, you can force the suppressed value to print again by using the Reprint On Subsequent property. To set the Suppress Repeated Values property from the Report Designer, position your mouse cursor over the component and click the right mouse button. The Suppress Repeated Values option will be displayed in the speed menu. If it is checked, Suppress Repeated Values is on. Selecting the Suppress Repeated Values option from this menu will toggle its value.

Transparent - Allows the object to become transparent to the background object

URL - Object will be displayed as a hyperlink when printed to PDF, HTML, and XHTML formats

Visible - Determines whether a report object will be printed

Word Wrap - Determines whether the text of a report control has line breaks on word boundaries, so that the text fits inside the control instead of being truncated

Help - Launches the Help file chapter for the specific control