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Navigation: How To (Forms, Reports, and more) > Forms > Form Designer > Form Properties


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ð On Before Start

Before the form starts, the specified EEP will run.


To load a pre-existing EEP file, select the "..." button.


Specifies a command block to run within a procedure file


Opens the R:BASE Editor to create/edit an external EEP file

Edit Custom EEP...

Opens the R:BASE Editor to create/edit a custom EEP that is stored within the form


ð On After Start

After the form starts, the specified EEP will run.


ð On Close

When the form closes, the specified EEP will run.


ð On Resize

When the form is resized, the specified EEP will run.


ð On Roll Up

When the form is rolled up to hide, the specified EEP will run.


ð On Roll Down

When the form is rolled down to redisplay, the specified EEP will run.


ð On Key Down

When a key is pressed down, the specified EEP will run.


ð On Key Press

When an alphanumeric/printable key is pressed, the specified EEP will run.


ð On Key Up

When a key is released, the specified EEP will run.


ð On Mouse Enter

Will execute when the mouse cursor enters the form area


ð On Mouse Leave

Will execute when the mouse cursor leaves the form area


ð On Form Activate

Will execute when the form receives focus. The logic is the same as a control's On Enter EEP.


ð On Form Deactivate

Will execute when focus is moved to another form. The logic is the same as a control's On Exit EEP.


ð On Form Move

Will execute when the form is moved


For more information on the "On Key Down", "On Key Press", and "On Key Up" EEPs, see Capturing Keyboard Events.



See also:


Form EEP Information

How to Define Form EEPs