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Grid Options

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ð Grid Options

Grid Lines

Specifies whether grid lines appear vertically, horizontally, in both directions, or not at all

Grid Lines Color

Specifies the grid line color

Row Separator Width

Specifies the separator width between to rows

Row Separator Color

Specifies the row separator color

Header Height

Specifies the column header height

Data Row Height

Specifies the data row height

Group Row Height

Specifies the height of grouping rows in pixels. If set to 0, the height of grouping rows is calculated automatically based on the current font settings.

Indicator Width

Specifies the row indicator's width

Group By Header

Specifies how multiple column groupings are displayed within the header

Group Row Style

Specifies the grid row style

Group Summary

Specifies the placement style of the group summaries within the table view of the grid

Group Footer

Specifies the group footer to be never visible, visible only for expanded group rows, or always visible


ð Preview Column - displays a single column preview, with this column's values.


Specifies the column to preview

Auto Height

Specifies whether the preview section height varies according to the preview's text length

Indent (Left, Right)

Specifies the distance between the preview text and the left preview section border, and the distance between the preview text and the right preview section border

Max Line Count

Specifies the maximum number of text lines displayed within the preview section


Specifies the preview section position relative to the row for which it is displayed


ð Sequence Mode


Specifies to assign a column which controls the sequence order of rows in the grid. When Sequence Mode is checked the column headers are no longer click-able, meaning users cannot sort the columns. The "sequence" column should be an integer, and is expected to have a value. Sequence Mode requires Drag and Drop is enable for the grid
