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Navigation: How To (Forms, Reports, and more) > Forms > Form Designer > Form Controls > Database Controls > DB Tree Grid

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Cell Auto Height

Specifies whether the cell height varies according to the cell's text length

Column Auto Width

Specifies whether or not the width of the column is automatically adjusted to display the entire content

Footer Auto Height

Specifies whether the footer height varies according to the data contained within

Group Footer Multi Summary

Specifies whether group footers display multiple group summaries for columns

Header Auto Height

Specifies whether the header height varies according to the data contained within

Show Cell End Ellipsis

Specifies to display an ellipsis when the entire text cannot be displayed within a cell

Show Focus Rect

Displays the focus rectangle that appears on form objects in the tab order

Show Footer

Specifies whether the grid footer is displayed

Show Group By Box

Specifies whether the group box is displayed

Show Header

Specifies whether the header is displayed

Show Header End Ellipsis

Specifies whether to display an ellipsis in the column header panel when the column width is too small to display the column caption entirely

Show Indicator

Specifies whether a small pointer appears in the first column, to indicate which row is current

Auto Show Editor

Specifies to immediately show the field editor upon click

Case Insensitive

Specifies if grid values are case insensitive for sorting and filtering

Expand After Load

With grouped fields, specifies the masters will be expanded when the form is loaded


ð Sections

Show Row Filter

Specifies whether to display the row filter within the grid

Show Find Panel

Specifies whether to display the find panel to search data

Show Navigator

Specifies whether to display a controller to navigate through visible rows in the order that they are displayed on screen

Show Navigator Info Panel

Specifies whether to display the record number and total record count for the current dataset

