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Grid Options

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ð Grid Options

Band Line Height

Specifies the line height of the band header panel, in pixels

Cell Text Maximum Line Count

Specifies the maximum number of text lines displayed within the preview section

Drop Arrow Color

Specifies the color of arrows indicating a band or column header's potential position during drag operations

Edit Auto Height Border Color

Specifies the border color of the multi-line in-place editor

Fixed Separator Color

Specifies the color of fixed band separators

Fixed Separator Width

Specifies the width of the fixed band separators, in pixels

Grid Lines

Specifies whether grid lines appear vertically, horizontally, in both directions, or not at all

Grid Lines Color

Specifies the grid line color

Group Footer

Specifies the group footer to be never visible, visible only for expanded group rows, or always visible

Indicator Width

Specifies the row indicator’s width

Navigator Offset

Specifies the distance (in pixels) between the editing control's navigator and the horizontal scroll bar

Paint Style

Specifies the manner in which the Tree List control displays data

Scroll Bars

Indicates whether the control contains scroll bars

Show Edit Buttons

Determines the visibility of the editor buttons

Tree Line Color

Specifies the color of expand buttons and tree lines displayed between nodes

Tree Line Style

Specifies the paint style of expand buttons and tree lines displayed between nodes


ð Preview Column - displays a single column preview, with this column's values.


Specifies the column to preview

Auto Height

Specifies whether the preview section height varies according to the preview's text length

Indent (Left, Right)

Specifies the distance between the preview text and the left preview section border, and the distance between the preview text and the right preview section border

Max Line Count

Specifies the maximum number of text lines displayed within the preview section


Specifies the preview section position relative to the row for which it is displayed

