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R:BASE 11 Help

Navigation: How To (Forms, Reports, and more) > R> Prompt

Hot Keys

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The following hot keys are supported while at the R> Prompt:





Data Dictionary


Displays the Command Builder with command and function templates

[Page Down]

Displays the last command entered, and cycles through history

[Page Up]

Displays the first command entered, and cycles through history


Select All




Launches the Find in R> Prompt Output Console utility


Launches/Hides the Command History panel




Launches the Watch Variables utility






Launches the Command Favorites utility


Deletes one word at a time to the left of the cursor


Deletes one word at a time from the current cursor position


Copies command from Input Console to the clipboard

[Ctrl+Left Arrow]

Skips cursor movement from word to word to the left

[Ctrl+Right Arrow]

Skips cursor movement from word to word to the right

[Ctrl+Page Down]

Places the Command History focus to the bottom of the list

[Ctrl+Page Up]

Places the Command History focus to the top of the list


Retains the entered command within the Input Console


Display and Navigation:



Main R:BASE Help


Data Dictionary


Help Index


Closes an R:BASE module window


R:BASE Editor


Database Explorer


R> Prompt


Watch Variables


Scratch Pad


Magnifying Glass

[Ctrl+Tab] or [Ctrl+F6]

Next window for R:BASE module


Previous window for R:BASE module


Help File for current R:BASE module


Tile Windows


Cascade Windows


Help Search