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Operating Condition




Default: OFF


NOCALC suppresses or processes computed column expressions with the UNLOAD and LOAD commands.


If NOCALC is set to ON, then the UNLOAD command, as it creates LOAD statements, will generate new "load only" commands as it starts each table. These "load only" commands would be CALC and NOCALC, which operate in a fashion similar to CHECK/NOCHECK and FILL/NOFILL and NUM/NONUM commands. The UNLOAD command will output the current values for the computed columns as it unloads the data.


In processing a LOAD command for a table, if it encounters a NOCALC command, then regardless of the current setting for NOCALC, the LOAD command will expect values for every column, whether computed or not. The values from the input would then be stored in those columns that are computed, rather than doing the actual computation.


NOCALC allow users to preserve original computed values when using UNLOAD/LOAD to move data, or when rebuilding a database with UNLOAD ALL.


Other methods for adding rows to a table, such as APPEND, the Data Browser, or a form, would all still calculate each computed column. Only the LOAD command with its special CALC/NOCALC commands could input a value into a computed column without doing the computation.


R:BASE stores the NOCALC setting with the database.