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Navigation: How To (Forms, Reports, and more) > Forms > Form Designer > Form Controls > Database Controls > DB Pivot Grid

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ð Behavior Options

Cell Hints

Specifies whether a hint is displayed for a cell when the text does not fit into the cell's area

Field Header Hints

Specifies whether hints are displayed for fields that have truncated captions

Focus Cell On Cycle

Determines the manner in which edit cells are focused

Focus Cell On Tab

Specifies whether the [Tab] key is used to navigate through data cells. When checked/true, the setting allows end-users to navigate through data cells using the [Tab] and [Shift+Tab] keys. When unchecked/false, these keys navigate the form controls instead. Note: Moving the cell focus outside of the DB Pivot Grid from the first or last data cell results in removing the focus from the DB Pivot Grid control and focusing the next or previous control in a form (based upon the form's tab order).

Group Header Hints

Specifies whether hints are displayed for column and row field values with a truncated content


ð Customization


Specifies whether end-users can filter data against all the fields

Filter Resizable

Specifies whether the field's drop-down list can be resized


Specifies the enabled state of the "Hide" menu item within the field header context menu. The "Hide" menu item of the field header context menu corresponds to the operation, which moves the selected field to the Customization Form. Thus this field will be hidden in the view. Set the Hiding property to unchecked/false, to disable the Hide menu item.


Specifies whether fields can be dragged by end-users or not. In order to drag columns to the Customization Form, Moving must be checked/true.

Quick Customization

Specifies the enabled state of the "Show Field List" menu item within the field header context menu and the header area context menu

Quick Prefiltering

Specifies the enabled state of the "Show Prefilter Dialog" menu item within the header area context menu


Specifies whether the fields' width can be changed by end-users or not


Specifies if end-users can change the sort order of fields

Sorting By Group Values

Specifies if end-users can change the sort order of group values


ð Data Field Options


Specifies the drop area of the data field anchor

None - the data field anchor is hidden

Column - the data field anchor is shown in the column header area

Row - the data field anchor is shown in the row header area

Area Index

Specifies the data field anchor's current position in the sequence of fields in the drop area


Specifies the data field anchor's caption

Minimum Width

Specifies the minimum width of the data field anchor, if it’s dropped only in the row header area


Specifies the width of the data field anchor, if it's dropped only in the row header area


Specifies whether the data field anchor can be dragged by an end-user


ð Selection Options

Hide Focus Rectangle

Specifies whether the focus rectangle is displayed around the focused data cell when the pivot grid loses focus

Hide Selection

Specifies whether the selected data cell remains highlighted when the pivot grid loses focus

Include Cross Cells

Specifies whether cross cells can be selected by an end-user

Include Grand Total Cells

Specifies whether grand total cells can be selected by an end-user

Include Total Cells

Specifies whether subtotal cells can be selected by an end-user


Specifies whether multiple data cells can be selected by an end-user
