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Page Header

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The Page Header band prints all objects located within its boundaries once per page. The Page Header band is often used for title or caption information that needs to be printed on every page.


Context Menu (right click) Options


ð Before Generate Custom EEP...

Specifies a procedure to run before the data within the band is generated


ð After Generate Custom EEP...

Specifies a procedure to run after the data within the band is generated


ð Component ID - Unique identifier used when passing PROPERTY/GETPROPERTY parameters in statements calling the report


ð Dynamic Height

Extends or shrinks the report band based on the size of the objects located within the band


ð Static Height

Keeps the report band stationary at the dimension specified in the Report Designer. If any object placed within a report band that is set to Static Height stretches, its result will be truncated at the position of the report band.


ð Print On First Page

Determines whether the text on the header or footer band is printed on the first page of the report


ð Print On Last Page

Determines whether the text on the header or footer band is printed on the last page of the report


ð Persistent Space On First Page

Determines whether the space reserved for header or footer band is kept, even if the contents are not printed


ð Persistent Space On Last Page

Determines whether the space reserved for header or footer band is kept, even if the contents are not printed


ð Position

Opens the Position dialog window for specifying hard-coded position values






Specifies the height of the report band. The Height is expressed in unit of measurement defined for the Report Designer (e.g. inches, millimeters, pixels).

Bottom Offset

Use the Bottom Offset property to define the vertical space which will appear after the band. The Bottom Offset is expressed in report units.

Print Position

Use the Print Position property to declare the vertical position on the page where the band should be printed. The Print Position is expressed in report units. If the print position of the report is beyond the Print Position of the band, then the report advances to the next page and attempts to print the band again.



If Print Position is used for a detail band, then only the first detail band of the page uses the position with the remaining detail bands printing below the first.


ð Visible

The Visible property determines whether a report component will be printed