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The Properties tab allows you to set the specific display properties of the application window.




ð Caption

Specifies a text string that identifies the application to the user. Use Caption field to specify the text string that appears as a window title or labels for the application.


ð Icon

To load an icon, you need to click the "Load Icon" button, and select an icon (.ico) file that is 16x16 pixels in dimension. If you choose a larger image, it will be automatically scaled to the 16x16 pixel dimension.


You can also clear the icon that you have chosen, by simply clicking the "Clear Icon" button.


ð Border Style

Specifies the appearance and behavior of the form border. Use Border Style to get or set the appearance and behavior of the form border. Border Style can be any of the following values:


None - Not resizable; no visible border line

Dialog - Not resizable; standard dialog box border

Single - Not resizable; single-line border

Sizeable - Standard resizable border

Tool Window - Like Single but with a smaller caption

Sizeable Tool Window - Like Sizeable with a smaller caption


ð Border Width

Specifies the width of the form's border in pixels. Use Border Width to get or set the width of the form's border. Default: 0  


ð Width

Specifies the horizontal size of the form in pixels. Use the Width property to change the width of the form. Default: 640  


ð Height

Specifies the vertical size of the form in pixels. Use the Height property to change the height of the form. Default: 480  


ð Align

Specifies the alignment of the form. The options are:


None - Form can be moved anywhere because it is not aligned to anything

Client - Aligns itself to the available client area by expanding to fill the area that it is in

Left - Aligns itself to the left side of the area growing or shrinking to match parent height

Right - Aligns itself to the right side of the area growing or shrinking to match parent height

Top - Aligns itself to the top side of the area growing or shrinking to match parent width

Bottom - Aligns itself to the bottom side of the area growing or shrinking to match parent width


ð Form Closing Behavior

Determines the behavior of the application when the user closes it. R:BASE allows for several styles of closing to enhance your application:



Bottom Right to Top Left

Top Left to Bottom Right

Vertical Sides to Center

Horizontal Sides to Center

Collapse to Center

Change Form Transparency


ð Caption Buttons

Specifies which application caption buttons are visible


Minimize Button

Toggles whether the Minimize Button is visible

Maximize Button

Toggles whether the Maximize Button is visible

Close Button

Toggles whether the Close Button is visible


ð Disable [x] Caption Button [Alt]+[F4], [Esc] Key Combination

Disables the closing of the form using the caption close button, the [Alt]+[F4] Key Combination, or the [Esc] Key


ð On Pre-Run Action

Specifies a series of commands to run before the application main window is created.


ð On Before Start Action

Specifies a series of commands to run before the application main window is displayed.


ð On After Start Action

Specifies a series of commands to run after the application main window is displayed.


ð On Close Action

Specifies a series of commands to run before the application main window is closed.


ð Use Themes

Enables/disables the use of Themes for the application file. Themes are artistic representations over the data entry/edit form, which enhance the visual display. There are 35 "Old Themes" available. The Old Themes allow backward compatibility for themes used in previous versions. There are 51 "New Themes" available that are specific to R:BASE eXtreme and higher.


It is also possible to load external themes into R:BASE in order for a different theme to display in the Theme list.


ð Show Size Grip

Displays the resize grip on the bottom right corner of the window, in the Status Bar


ð Connect Database on Startup

Specifies if the application file will automatically connect to the database when launched


ð Show Status Bar

Displays the Status Bar across the bottom of the window, containing the clock, and lock status for the NUM, CAPS, and SCR lock keys.


ð Disable Trace

Toggles the ability for the Trace Debugger to launch when running the application. This feature adds additional security to the application file by not allowing users to view the command syntax.