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Tip! - A DB Grid control can be converted to an Enhanced DB Grid control. Within the Form Designer, right click on the DB Grid and select the "Convert to Enhanced DB Grid" option.


ð Size and Coordinates


Specifies the left (horizontal) ordinate pixel of the object


Specifies the top (vertical) ordinate pixel of the object


Specifies the object width, in pixels  


Specifies the object height, in pixels


Specifies the alignment of the object. The options are:

None - Object can be moved anywhere because it is not aligned to the parent object

Client - Aligns itself to the available client area by expanding to fill the parent object that it is in

Left - Aligns itself to the left side of the parent object growing or shrinking to match parent height

Right - Aligns itself to the right side of the parent object growing or shrinking to match parent height

Top - Aligns itself to the top side of the parent object growing or shrinking to match parent width

Bottom - Aligns itself to the bottom side of the parent object growing or shrinking to match parent width


ð Hint

Value which will display when the object is hovered over by the mouse cursor


ð Table Name

Specifies the table to base the control on


ð Background Color and Font


Specifies the background color of the object


Specifies the font style, size and color for the object


ð DB Grid Options


Specifies if editing is allowed

Show Editor

Specifies the grid is always in edit mode. When checked, the user does not have to press the [Enter] key before editing the contents of a cell. The setting depends on "Editing" also being checked. Show Editor is ignored if "Row Select" is checked.


Specifies if titles appear at the top of the columns in the grid


Specifies if a small pointer appears in the first column to indicate which row is currently selected

Column Resize

Specifies the column may be resized when the titles are visible

Column Lines

Specifies if lines appear between columns in the grid

Row Lines

Specifies if lines appear between the rows of the grid

Row Select

Specifies if the user can select an entire row, as well as selecting individual cells. If this options is selected, then "Editing" and "Always Show Editor" options are ignored.


Specifies if the selected cell displays the focus rectangle even when the grid does not have focus

Scroll Hints

Specifies if the vertical scroll bar displays the current record number from where the focus is located

Multiline Titles

Specifies if multiline column titles are displayed

Title Ellipsis

Suppresses the extra words of a long title value with "..."

Column Ellipsis

Suppresses the extra words or sentences of a long column value with "..."

Record Number

Specifies if the record number is displayed within a column grid on the left side of the grid

Cell Hints

Specifies if hints will be displayed above the cells

Allow Tabs

When checked, the [TAB] key will move the focus to the next cell within the grid. When unchecked, the [TAB] key moves the focus to the next field in the form's Tab Order.

Horizontal Scroll Bar

Specifies if the horizontal scroll bar is displayed

Vertical Scroll Bar

Specifies if the vertical scroll bar is displayed

Picker for DATE and TIME Fields

Specifies if a picker is displayed for DATE (pop up) and TIME (spin edit) data type fields

Show Hint

Specifies if the defined hint is displayed

Native Appearance

Specifies to display the control where the appearance will be rendered by the operating system

Grid Focus Navigation

Specifies whether the cursor navigation on fields require the [Enter] key to manipulate a cell contents and move up and down. When enabled, the [Enter] key is required in order to exit a field and move from row to row after editing.

Tab Stop

Specifies if the control is part of tab order and user is able to land on this field

Skip Read Only Columns

Determines whether read only columns are skipped when pressing [Enter] or [Tab] through the fields. Using the arrow keys will move the cell highlight to the next/previous cell regardless of the "Skip Read Only Columns" value.


Allows the ability to select multiple items from the grid

Persistent Field Value Color

Specifies whether the color for specific cells will not be filled with the Highlight color, when a row is selected. The setting is only recognized when "Row Select" is also checked.


When enabled, the [Enter] key will process the user's input on that field and move to the next field or row. To move to the previous cell, use the [Shift+ENTER] key combination.

Picker for DATE Fields

Specifies if a picker is displayed for DATE (pop up) data type fields. When "Picker for DATE and TIME Fields" is unchecked, this property is enabled.

Picker for TIME Fields

Specifies if a picker is displayed for TIME (spin edit) data type fields. When "Picker for DATE and TIME Fields" is unchecked, this property is enabled.

Columns Use Grid Colors

Specifies whether the grid uses its font and background color, and not the color definition of the columns


ð Component ID

Unique identifier used when passing property parameters in statements
