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Navigation: How To (Forms, Reports, and more) > Forms > Form Designer > Form Controls > Database Controls > DB Card View > Rows


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ð General

Field Name

Displays the field name being modified or under review


Specifies the card row caption


Specifies card row type. The setting is visible within the "Display" column when reviewing Rows.

Data - Specifies data rows. End-users can edit their values.

Caption - Represents caption rows. These rows cannot be edited at runtime. Their background is colored differently to visually distinguish them from data rows.

Category - Specifies a category row type. If the currently processed row is a category, the rows that follow it are its children. A category row is used to logically organize related rows into group. This group is drawn in a DB Card View in a tree-like manner. The expand button that appears in the category row to the left of its caption, allows end-users to expand or collapse it. Unlike caption rows, category rows can be edited.


Specifies the card row width in pixels

Horizontal Alignment

Specifies the horizontal justification of the text within the card row

Vertical Alignment

Specifies the vertical justification of the text within the card row

Sort Order

Specifies the field sort order; ascending, descending, or none

Sort Index

Specifies the index of the current item among sorted items within the current view. This property specifies the item's position within the DB Card View control's "sorted" collection. Setting the "Sort Index" property to –1 removes the item from the sorted collection, and sets the item's "Sort Order" property to None. The sorted collection stores items whose "Sort Order" property is other than None. The order of items in the collection defines the sorting hierarchy.

Display Caption

Displays the caption of the currently processed group row. The setting is visible within the "Display" column when reviewing Rows.

Display Data

Displays the table data of the currently processed group row. The setting is visible within the "Display" column when reviewing Rows.


Expands or collapses the currently processed row if it's "Kind" property is set to "Category"


Specifies if the card row is visible


ð Position

Index In Layer

Specifies the ordinal number of the currently processed card row in a layer

Layer Index

Specifies the ordinal number of a layer in a card that the currently processed card row resides in

Line Count

Specifies the number of lines occupied by the currently processed card row

Begins Layer

Specifies whether the currently processed row and subsequent rows will be put upon a new layer. The setting is visible within the "Display" column when reviewing Rows.

