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Speed Menu Options

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A speed menu is a drop down list of options when the right mouse button is clicked. The speed menu contents will vary based upon the object, or objects, selected when the right click is performed.


Object Property - opens the property editor for the selected form object, or for the form itself

Custom EEPs - displays a shortcut to review and modify the available EEP for the selected form object, or for the form itself

Hide on Startup - hides the objects when a form is initially launched. The hidden objects may include controls that can be made visible through application tasks, and objects that will never be made visible.

Display Format - opens the Display Format dialog for non-text data types

Component ID - specifies the unique identifier used when passing property parameters in statements

Variable Links... - opens the Variable Link Editor to modify shared properties for one or more form objects

Variable Link Overview... - opens the Variable Link Overview to review defined Variable Links

Parent Font - assigns the text font for the selected object, to match the font for the object's parent control

Parent Color - assigns the background color for the selected object, to match the background color for the object's parent control

Align to Grid - aligns the currently selected object(s) to the form grid

Bring to Front - assigned the currently selected object(s) to appear in front of (on top) other form objects

Send to Back - assigned the currently selected object(s) to appear in back of (on bottom) other form objects

Change Tab Order - opens the Tab Order Settings dialog box to change the tab order for form objects

Cut - cuts the selected object(s)

Copy - copies the selected object(s)

Paste - pastes the cut or copied object(s)

Delete - deletes the selected object(s)

Select All - selects all the objects on the form

Select All within Parent Object - selects all the objects within the selected parent object

Lock Control - locks a control to prevent accidental changes

Anchors - anchors the edges for a selected control

Cursor - modifies the visual representation of the mouse cursor

Margins... - allows for spacing to be added for controls which are set as aligned

Enable Drag and Drop - enables drag and drop capabilities for the selected object

On Start Drag... - specifies the command syntax to execute when the mouse left button is clicked and the cursor and dragged from the selected object

On Drag Drop... - specifies the command syntax to execute when the mouse left button is released and from the selected object



When several form objects are selected, additional speed menu option are available.


Align - displays the alignment tools when several objects are selected

Show Size Palette - displays the size palette to make changes to the horizontal and vertical dimensions of selected objects

Font - alters the font, style, size, and color for the selected objects

Background Color - alters the background color for the selected objects

Background Color When Focused- alters the background for the selected objects, when the cursor is focused on the object

Read Only Color - alters the background color for the selected objects, when the objects are set to "read only"

Justification - alters the text justification for the selected objects

Transparent - enables/disables the transparent property

Frame Visible - enables/disables the frame visible property

Flat Frame - enables/disables the flat frame property

Read Only - enables/disables the read only property


