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Task Tree

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ð Show Task Tree

Specifies to display the task tree, which visualizes task hierarchies in a tree-like manner (Gantt view types only)

Grid Lines

Specifies whether grid lines appear vertically, horizontally, in both directions, or not at all

Grid Lines Color

Specifies the line color for grid lines

Tree Lines

Specifies the display for the tree lines; none, dotted, or solid lines

Tree Line Color

Specifies the color for tree lines


Specifies the width of the tree list that resides within the Task Tree pane, in pixels

Auto Width Column

Specifies whether or not the width of the column is automatically adjusted to display the entire content

Show Row Indicator

Specifies whether a small pointer appears in the first column, to indicate which row is current

Show Root

Specifies the visibility of tree lines and expand buttons at the root level of the tree


ð Column Options

Customizes the appearance of the Task Tree columns, with the ability to add and delete columns


ð Header

Specifies column header properties

Show Column

Specifies whether the column is displayed


Specifies the display caption for the column

Horizontal Alignment

Specifies the horizontal justification of the text within the column header

Vertical Alignment

Specifies the vertical justification of the text within the column header

Best Fit Width

Specifies the column header width to completely display its content

Minimum Width

Specifies the minimum allowed column width in pixels


Specifies the column width in pixels


ð Content

Specifies column content properties

Map To Field

Maps the column content to a table field/column names

Horizontal Alignment

Specifies the horizontal justification of the text within the column

Vertical Alignment

Specifies the vertical justification of the text within the column


ð Other Options

Allow Editing

Specifies if editing is allowed

Allow Sizing

Specifies to allow/disallow changing the column width

Allow Sorting

Specifies if sorting is allowed

