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Day Border Color

Specifies the border color for calendar days, when the View Type is set to Day, Week, Weeks, or Year

Task Border Color

Specifies the border color for the task rectangle

Task Height

Specifies the height of the task rectangle. The rectangle's minimum height is limited by the current size of the font used for the task's subject text. If the rectangle's height is set to less than the current font size then the scheduler will be forced to increase the rectangle's height to correctly display the task caption. If the Task Height value is 0, the height of the task rectangle is calculated automatically. The Task Height default value is 0. Task icons will always be clipped if their height is greater than the task rectangle's height.

Group Kind

Specifies the kind of the task grouping in the scheduling area

Default - If more than one resource is set, the grouping behavior is the same as that specified with the By Resource setting. If one or no resource is set, the grouping behavior is the same as that specified with the None setting.

None - schedules are not grouped. Tasks are displayed altogether in every day in chronological order

By Date - schedules are grouped by dates and resources

By Resource - schedules are grouped by resources

Group Separator Width

Specifies the group separator's width in pixels. The group separator is a bar that visually divides groups of schedules.

Horizontal Splitter Width

Specifies the width of the horizontal splitter in pixels. The horizontal splitter is the horizontal bar between the Date Navigator and the Control Box.

Vertical Splitter Width

Specifies the width of the vertical splitter in pixels. The vertical splitter is a vertical bar between the scheduling area on one side and the Date Navigator and Control Box on the other.

View Position

Specifies the position of the scheduling area with respect to the Date Navigator and Control Box panes

Work Start

Specifies the beginning of the work hours, displayed in the scheduling area

Work Finish

Specifies the end of the work hours, displayed in the scheduling area

Show Hints

Specifies whether the hint window is displayed when an end-user positions the mouse pointer over a task rectangle

Show Navigation Buttons

Specifies whether task navigation buttons are displayed. The task navigation buttons are displayed if no tasks are scheduled on the date that is currently shown. These buttons are used to bring the nearest task (scheduled on another date) into view. If more space must be provided in the content area, the buttons can be hidden.

Work Days

Specifies the days that contain work hours

Task Operations

Specifies what operations an end-user can perform on tasks


Creating - specifies whether an end-user is allowed to create a new task

Deleting - specifies whether end-users can delete tasks

Dialog Editing - specifies whether a task, loaded into the Event dialog, can be edited

Dialog Showing - specifies whether the Event dialog can be invoked

Inplace Editing - specifies whether the in-place editor can be activated for a task

Intersection - specifies whether tasks can be overlapped

Moving - specifies whether tasks can be dragged and dropped to another time block or date by an end-user

Read Only - specifies the read-only state of tasks

Recurrence - specifies whether the Event recurrence dialog can be invoked

Sizing - specifies whether the time boundaries of tasks can be changed by end-users

