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Understanding the DB Grid EEP Options

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The new DB Grid and Enhanced DB Grid EEP options introduce new methods to expand the capabilities of customizing Form Grid Controls. You can customize the Grid EEP options to use the following:


On Entry into DB Grid

On Exit from DB Grid

On Entry into DB Grid Column

On Exit From DB Grid Column

On DB Grid Column Moved

On DB Grid Cell Click

On Double Click


On Entry into DB Grid

Use the On Entry into DB Grid EEP to cause any special processing to occur when DB Control becomes active. The On Entry into DB Grid EEP does not execute when switching between forms or between another application and the application that includes the DB Grid control.


On Exit from DB Grid

Use the On Exit into DB Grid EEP to provide special processing when the control ceases to be active. The On Exit from DB Grid EEP does not occur when switching between forms or between another application and your application.


On Entry into DB Grid Column

Use the On Entry into DB Grid Column EEP to take specific action when a new cell has just been selected.


On Exit From DB Grid Column

Use the On Exit From DB Grid Column EEP to take specific action when a cell is about to lose focus. For example, use On Exit from DB Grid Column EEP to post edits to the underlying table when the user leaves a DB Grid cell, rather than waiting for the user to leave the record.


On DB Grid Column Moved

Use the On DB Grid Column Moved EEP to take specific action just after a column in the grid has been moved.


On DB Grid Cell Click

Use the On DB Grid Cell Click EEP to take specific action when the user clicks in one of the cells of the DB Grid. The DB Grid Cell (Column) is the object that corresponds to the column where the mouse was when the user released the left mouse button. On DB Grid Cell Click EEP executes when the user releases the mouse. On DB Grid Cell Click EEP will not execute when the mouse is released at the end of resizing a row or DB Grid column, or when the DB Grid cell is being edited.


On Double Click

Use the On Double Click EEP to take specific action when a user double clicks anywhere within the grid.