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R:BASE 11 Help

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Work Space

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The Database Explorer Work Space is the area in R:BASE which displays a list of existing objects for a selected Group Bar menu option, such as a list of existing databases when "Databases" is selected, a list of tables when "Tables" is selected. The Group Bar is located to the left of the Work Space. The Group Bar submenu options become enabled when an existing object is selected in the Work Space. For example, after you select an existing form, the submenu option "Copy Form..." then becomes enabled.


Certain Work Space objects behave differently when double clicked. Most objects are executed into runtime when double clicked. For forms, external forms, and applications the objects are displayed as users see them at runtime. For reports and labels, the objects are printed when double clicked, with options to divert the printer output to the screen, a printer, or file. For stored procedures and command files, the command syntax is executed when double clicked. For tables and views, the table or view data is displayed in the Data Browser when double clicked. When you double click on a listed database, you connect to it.


The double click behavior for Work Space objects can also be set to open each Group Bar object in its associated designer, e.g. a form in the Form Designer or a view in the Query Builder. To do so, select "Settings" > "Database Explorer" > "Double Click Open Designer" from the main menu bar.


Right Click (Speed Menu) Options

If you right click in the Work Space area, a speed menu will be displayed. The speed menu options vary based upon the selected Group Bar option. For example, a list of application-specific options are offered when Applications are displayed in the Work Space. Like the Group Bar submenu options, some speed menu options become enabled/disabled based upon whether or not you right click on an object in the Work Space. For example, if you right click on a label, the option "Copy Label..." is enabled. But, if you right click in the Work Space and not on a label, the option "Copy Label..." is disabled.


The list of available options within the speed menu includes all of the submenu options within the Group Bar, plus several more. Regardless of the displayed objects within the Work Space, you will always be offered the option to alter the display of the items listed, (e.g. Large Icons, Small Icons, etc.).