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R:BASE 11 Beginners Tutorial

Navigation: Lesson 5 - Report Output

Finishing the Report

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All the objects are placed in the appropriate sections and have been customized. The final step is creating the FlightList report is to finish aligning the objects and close white space gaps in the report layout.  Closing gaps in the report layout can be done by moving the objects closer to the band above the objects and dragging the bottom band up. Most of the objects were aligned as they were placed, but various touch ups might be needed.


To check the object alignment and spacing of the report, preview the report by selecting the "Preview" tab. If any finishing touches are needed, modify the report in the Report Designer to make the alignment and spacing changes.


If you want to add a line object to separate the flights, you would place it at the bottom of the Details section. If you want to add a line object to separate the Daily Total from the flights, you would place it in the Break Footer section.


You may have noticed that the Daily Total and the Grand Total amounts did not display a dollar sign or the cents in the preview screen. We will need to alter the display format for the total DB Calc objects like we did for the FlightDate DB Label object in the Break Header section.


To change the Display Format for the DB Calc objects:


1.In the "Report Designer" window, right click on the TotalCharge DB Calc object in the Break Footer section.


A context menu of options is displayed.


2.Choose "Display Format...".


The "Format" dialog box appears.


3.Choose the fifth option, "$#,0.00;-$#,0.00" from the right column.


The text appears in the Display Format field to display the data with a dollar sign, $, and the cents values.


4.Click the OK button.
5.Repeat this step for the TotalCharge DB Calc object in the Report Footer section.