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R:BASE 11 Beginners Tutorial

Navigation: Lesson 5 - Report Output

Saving and Closing the Report

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There are different ways to save a report; you can save it using the menu bar under File: Save, you can press the [Ctrl] +[S] keys on the keyboard, you can use "Save" button on the "Report" the toolbar, or you can let R:BASE prompt you to save the report when you close the "Report Designer" window.


To close the "Report Designer" window:


1.In the "Report Designer" window, choose File: Close from the menu bar.
2.If you have made changes since the last time you saved the report, R:BASE asks if you want to save changes. Click the Save button.


R:BASE closes the "Report Designer" window.


If you click the Reports section in the Database Explorer now, you'll see that it lists both EmployeePhoneList and FlightList.