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R:BASE 11 Beginners Tutorial

To view the HTML report you just created, you can launch the file directly from the Database Explorer.


To launch a file from the Database Explorer:


1.From the menu bar, choose Tools: Launch...


The "Launch..." dialog will appear.





2.In the "File Name" field, click the folder icon on the right side of the field.


The "Open" dialog will appear with a list of all the files in the directory.


3.Choose the HTML file that was just created, "EmployeePhoneList.htm".
4.Select the "Open" button.


The path and file name will fill the field.


5.Click the "Launch" button.


The Employee Phone List HTML report will launch using the default Internet browser on your computer.


6.Close the browser windows to return to R:BASE at the Database Explorer.


Files may also be launched at the R> Prompt window using the LAUNCH command. To replicate the above example, you would type "LAUNCH EmployeePhoneList.htm" at the R>.