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R:BASE 11 Beginners Tutorial

Navigation: Lesson 3 - Viewing Data


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To view the NOTE data and images stored in the database, R:BASE includes the R:BASE BLOB Editor, an integrated display screen and editor for these specific data types. When a column is defined with a NOTE data type only some of the text is displayed in the "Data Browser" window. If there is an image stored in the table, then a small icon is displayed. These data types are stored in the fourth database file.


To open the R:BASE BLOB Editor:


1.In the "Data Browser" window, [Tab] the cell focus to the right, until you are on the Place column.
2.Using the mouse cursor, double click the Place column.


The "R:BASE BLOB Editor" will launch in a separate window. Only a small amount of data is stored in the column, but this tool allows the ability to add much more.


3.Close the window to return to the Data Browser.