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R:BASE 11 Beginners Tutorial

Navigation: Lesson 5 - Report Output

Previewing the Employee Phone List

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You can preview a report at any time during the design process using the "Preview" tab.


To preview the Employee Phone List report:


1.In the "Report Designer" window, click the "Preview" tab.


R:BASE displays the layout of the report in the preview window with data in the table.


2.Click the "Design" tab to return to the designer.


If the report didn't look the way you wanted it to, you could make some more changes. This report looks the way you designed it, so you can close the "Report Designer" window.


To close the "Report Designer" window:


From the menu bar, choose File: Close.


If you click the Reports tab in the Database Explorer now, you'll see that it includes EmployeePhoneList.