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R:BASE 11 Help

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Command Line

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The R:Backup script files can be used to run backup operations using command line parameters. R:BASE will recognize the command line parameters when running the R:Backup scripts within batch files, as a scheduled task, or at a command prompt:


With Scheduled Tasks, the backup can be configured for how often the backup of the databases will take place. To determine how often to backup the database, you should consider the following:


How much data is entered into the database and how often?

How hard would it be to reconstruct the data if lost?





Executable <Parameter>








switches to R:Backup mode. The R:Backup form will be displayed instead of R:BASE. Any other command line parameter is considered an R:Backup parameter. Without the "-rbackup" parameter, additional parameters will be meaningless


runs the file passed in the command line. This will work only if a valid R:Backup file is specified. If the input file is valid, it will be executed and the R:Backup main form will not be displayed. Otherwise the R:Backup window will be displayed.


runs in silent mode, with no prompts displayed

script file

specifies the script file. If "-r" is passed, the file is executed. Otherwise R:Backup is displayed and the script is opened for editing.





To perform R:Backup operations, -rbackup must be used as one of the parameters.


The destination for the backup is specified in the script file (.rtb).


Parameters and the script file can be passed in any order, but it makes use clearer if the first parameter is -rbackup.


There should only be one file name passed. If multiple file names are accidentally passed, the last file that exists becomes the active file.





C:\RBTI\RBG11\RBG11.EXE –rbackup "C:\RBTI\RBG11\Samples\RRBYW20\RB_Samples.rtb" -r -s


C:\RBTI\RBG11\RBG11.EXE –rbackup "C:\RBTI\RBTI_DBs.rtb"