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R:BASE 11 Help

Navigation: How To (Forms, Reports, and more) > Forms > Form Designer > Form Controls > Database Controls > DB Tree Grid > Columns


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ð Attributes

Column Moving

Specifies if columns can be repositioned/dragged in the grid


Specifies if editing is allowed for the column

Field Filter

Allows filtering for the column, if the filter bar is displayed

Filter With Find Panel

Add the column to the scanned columns when searching in the Find Panel


Specifies if focus on cells is allowed for the column


Specifies whether a user can group data by the column. When checked, the user can drag the column in the Group By Box (area above grid).

Horizontal Sizing

Specifies to allow/disallow changing the column width


Specifies to allow sorting for the column, by clicking on the header

Column Caption

Specifies to show/hide the caption in the column header

Group Footer

Specifies whether to display group footers for a grouping column

