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Navigation: How To (Forms, Reports, and more) > Forms > Form Designer > Form Controls > Database Controls > Enhanced DB Grid

Enhanced Options

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ð Options

Auto Width

Automatically sets the width for the grid and columns

Draw Graphic Field

Displays scaled down graphics for images stored as BLOB data

Show Footer

Enables the footer panel at the bottom of the grid, which can be used to display information. The Footer Height value below assigns the size of the footer. To define the Footer type and other properties, alter the Footer panel within the column's Enhanced Properties.

Draw Bands

Displays bands for additional or improved column descriptions

Hot Track

Enables a highlight effect for the currently focused column which trails the mouse cursor

Bands over Titles

Places the defined bands on top of the titles

Title Word Wrap

Enables long column title text to wrap

Show Filter Bar

Displays a filter bar directly under the titles to enter values and limit the displayed grid based on matching criteria

Sorted Filter List

Sorts the filtered values

Focus on Filter Bar

Places the cursor focus directly onto the Filter Bar when the form opens

Navigation Events on Calculation

When unchecked, makes footer calculations faster and avoids flickering during refreshes

Hourglass Cursor On Filter

Changes the mouse cursor to an hourglass to indicate processing (to possibly avoid end users having the impression the form is unresponsive)

Sequence Mode / Sequence Field

Specifies to assign a field which controls the sequence order of rows in the grid. When Sequence Mode is checked the column headers are no longer click-able, meaning users cannot sort the columns. The "Sequence Field" column should be an integer, and is expected to have a value. Sequence Mode requires Drag and Drop is enable for the grid.


ð Footer Background Color and Font


Specifies the background color of the footer


Specifies the font style, size and color for the footer


ð Footer Height

Specifies the height of the grid footer, when displayed. The default value is 21 pixels, but will also be set according based on grid's font.


ð Filter Type

Specifies the condition type for the Filter Bar


ð Minimum Filter Length

Specifies the minimum character length for the filter bar to begin filtering values


ð Delayed Filter (ms)

If checked, the grid will wait for the specified milliseconds every keystroke before the filter is applied. The timer is reset every time a key is pressed. It is important to not apply the filter immediately after every keystroke.

